Monday, June 11, 2018

How did another year go by??? 2018? Really?!?!

I'm glad I'm not in this for fame or fortune. I admire women who have mad blogging their full time job and their success, but that is not for me. I'm fortunate to be around from time to time (year to year??) We are now in our new home. One level living is such a blessing for us! We did add in a bonus room above the garage that has since become my crafting room. A day may come when it needs to be moved downstairs but for now, if I'm hurting I just don't go up there!
We (Neil and I) just returned from a two week trip to South East Asia; Thailand, Malaysia and Cambodia (although our flights also took us into Tokyo and Bangkok!) The primary reason we went was to attend the SEA Conference with Things to Come Missions. Getting to see our dear friend's was an added blessing and making new ones even more! It was great catching up with our Missionary friends. We learned a great deal about how to support our missionaries. Sure, sending in a monthly support check is certainly a need they have, but there is also a great need for friendship, communicating with them and praying for them. Many live in areas where there is persecution and the burden can be great. I cried when one lady said, "You can trust no one but God." You see, she's had people be friendly to her only to later find out they were not friends but trouble makers. She is slowly adjusting to only becoming friends with those she approaches. God's shoulders are huge and she can lean and cry on them all day long, yet an encouraging word can mean so much! We have discovered many was in which our church can improve our serving the Missionaries and I'm excited to see what other idea's God passes along our way.
"casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you."
1 Peter 5:7