Monday, January 25, 2016

Life Interrupted

I have another blog that I've kind of (Ok, not kind of but in actuality)let slip away. Not because I disliked it, nor did I not see the content as irrelevant. Life just once again got interrupted. You see, that is what living a life entails; one interruption after another. Maybe its school, or marriage, babies, teenagers, divorce, a death of a loved one, illness... whatever it is that's going on in your life there is bound to be an interruption. Sometimes its nothing more than a minor bump in the road and you gently go over it (I would name a few, but I have found one persons bump is another persons mountain! Sometimes its just our perception) Other times there are things that most people would put in the mountain category ( death of a loved one, a child's illness or even your own would easily fit into this area).

Throughout my life I have had my share of interruptions. Some of those were pleasant ones such as meeting and marrying my husband, giving birth, moving into our home, my grand daughter (!!!!) Then there were those that were earth shattering (death of a parent, a child with special needs, sexual abuse, chronic pain, etc). Yes, life is filled with interruptions. As I have become older (got that down easily enough... aging that is) and wiser (which doesn't come quite as easily) I have discovered that God, in His Infinite Wisdom, had thoughtfully allowed these interruptions to take place because He knew what it would take for me to depend on Him.

I'll be honest with you; prosperity and praise don't necessarily go hand in hand with me. When there are no interruptions it is when I find my need for God to not be my go-to mind set. Yes, He is author of all good in my life and I know that. However, it is when I face those interruptions in life that I depend on my Lord and Savior. Maybe some of you are less stubborn than me - I know there are many of you out there! God uses those interruptions in my life to draw me nearer to Him and to even be able to use my experience to minister to another person who has their own interruptions.

Many of my experiences have brought me to doing the very things I now love: Leading Women's Bible Study, Teaching Sunday School, Youth Mentoring, Missions, Cooking, Crafting, are just a few. That is my hope in this blog to share my heart with you doing the things I love.

James 3:17
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

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"casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you."
1 Peter 5:7